Rock Guitar Practice Solo I hear from people all the time who are learning the guitar, and doing what they have been told to do. They are practicing away at all the different patterns, but have …
Connect Major Scales Across The Neck
To fluidly connect major scales across the neck you need to practice switching between them in different ways. My favorite way to learn and master new scale patterns is by using the exercise that …
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How Deep Is Your Love Chord Melody
In this video I present for you, step-by-step, my arrangement of "How Deep Is Your Love" by the Bee Gee's as a chord melody. I primarily based it off of the version by PJ Morton, but kept it in …
Connecting Fretboard Positions
Connecting Fretboard Positions: In this lesson I address a question from one of my viewers who is trying to work out how to better connect the different positions on the fretboard. Despite knowing …
Altered Scale
This lesson is an introduction to the Altered Scale. It is very brief, but is intended to give you a "positional" framework to use as a starting point for improvising with this scale. What is the …
Expanding Arpeggio Skills
Expanding Arpeggio Skills is a lesson to stretch your abilities and give you a path to move across the neck over a single chord. This video expands on the previous lesson I released here, which went …