If you are looking for something to practice, you’ve come to the right place. Practice Makes Better Music is a site dedicated to effective practice, providing you with the resources you need to improve.
Much of the challenge in leveling up your skills is in deciding what to practice. I’m trying to make that a little easier for you by creating lessons that focus on key areas.
Many of the lessons here include practice workouts for you to play along with. You can incorporate one or a few of these practice workouts into a daily warmup routine to help you move towards mastering some of these key topics.
The truth is that better practice habits make you sound better. This leads to you having more fun with music, and going further with your band, music career, or hobby. Whatever it may be for you.
Recent Lessons
Intervals Of The Major Scale
With this video I’m beginning a series where I’m aiming to provide you with a solid foundation in what I call applied music theory, or functional music theory. Through this series we’ll be exploring the ideas and concepts that you need to know in order to have a properly functional understanding of the guitar.
Guitar Skill Builder: 7th Chord Arpeggios at 3 Difficulty Levels
https://vimeo.com/894687132?share=copy Finger-Busting-Arpeggio-ExerciseDownload Arpeggio PicturesDownload This video will help you build your skill with arpeggios and how they connect to scale patterns. The 7th chord arpeggio shape that the 3 exercises in this video are based on is extremely useful for improvisation. The exercises offer you the chance to increase the flexibility and strength in your…
Four Dexterity Exercises
Here are 4 nice short exercises to build dexterity. They work great as a warm up!
Six Techniques For Articulation
In this video I’ll walk you through six ideas for articulation that can expand your sound into new areas.
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Practice Makes Better Music is a site for Guitarists Who Want to Make Progress
The way you practice makes a difference. You can make faster progress by improving your practice habits. This site is here to help you do just that.
Here are three principles that describe how I approach learning and teaching:
- Increasing the effectiveness of practice makes for quicker progress and development.
- Understanding the patterns of music theory through the guitar allows for deeper exploration and greater progress in your playing.
- Maintaining a constructive mental attitude is key to making progress. Work on a constructive and curious mental attitude. Look at other musicians and let yourself be inspired. Try and discover what elements of their playing you like, and emulate those things.
These principles guide my approach to my own musical journey. Through the resources in this site I want to share what I’ve learned with you.
Free Course Available Now
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You can sign up here to access the free course, Pentatonic Pathways. This course was designed to help you push past your barriers and gain a better understanding of the fretboard. It is intended to help you forge new pathways that you can utilize to create killer solos. I think this course can have a very positive effect on your soloing, and it’s also a good bit of fun.
Click here for more details