Disclaimer: This video is not JUST for slide guitar, though I use a slide throughout. You can play the patterns without a slide and get just as much out of it. Don't let that scare you away if you …
Diminished Chords, Arpeggios & Scales. Overview & Exercises.
One of the most interesting patterns in music is the diminished 7th chord and its related arpeggios and scales. This chord is symmetrical, built entirely of minor 3rds, and this provides some unique …
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Four Dexterity Exercises
One great approach to getting to know the neck better is to break patterns up into small chunks. Those chunks can be moved around to help you better utilize different areas of the guitar neck. This …
7 Major Scale Shapes Exercise
You gotta learn your scales at some point. There is no shortcut and you just have to slog through them until the patterns feel natural to you. This video is a walk-through of one of my most used …
Unlocking Guitar Scales: 4 Functional Approaches for Guitarists
In my latest video, I dive into the world of guitar scales. Discover essential techniques to boost your playing, including the widely-used three-note-per-string and in-position methods. But that's not …
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Pentatonics For Soloing & Double Stops
There are lots of ways to play scales on guitar, but there is one type of pentatonic scale that I get a ton of mileage out of. In this video I cover the 2 easiest versions of this scale pattern, using …
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